Sweet memorable month

The past few weeks are filled with delightful memories. We spent Easter in Eastern Idaho and enjoyed prime rib, an Easter Sunday production, and time with our family. Hon & Poppy returned safely, joyfully from their Hawaiian adventure. We watched D get beautiful, picked up by a boy, and head off to Senior Prom. We listened to all the silly stories of teenagers returned from a sweet high school memory till 1 in the morning. We prayed with, for, and about Jane Storm’s baptism; celebrating her declaration of new life in Christ. Friends and family joined us in a local park to play and fellowship in the glow of such a beautiful moment. Mr. Fantastic had the privilege of dunking Jane Storm into the waters of baptism. Such joy for our family! We are so proud of the steps Jane Storm is taking to walk with Christ; what an example she is setting for her little brother. With birthdays, holidays, prom, and baptisms this is, so far, our most memorable month of 2012.

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